CSASI Publishing And Finance Committee Duties (Elected Individual need to be willing to served a minimum of 5 terms)
The Publishing and Finance committee shall be appointed by the President. The
duties of this standing committee are to review and approve all publications
of the Society and to guide and advise the President, Editor-in-Chief, Business
Manager, Secretary Treasurer and Librarian on any other business that may come
up during the year which cannot be delayed for a meeting of the Board of Directors.
The publishing and finance committee may, along with the majority of the elected
executive officers of the C.S.A.S.I., authorize funds to be spend on behalf
C.S.A.S.I. during the fiscal year. The publishing and finance committee shall
conduct an annual audit of the C.S.A.S books. This audit shall be conducted prior
the Board of Directors meeting.
Review ALL checks written by the Secretary/Treasurer
from October prior year to October current year.
Review all receipts received by the Secretary/Treasurer.
the IRS form filed in October by the accountant (not a C.S.A.S.I.
all postage, printing costs, etc. received by the Secretary/Treasurer
The time of the audit is either the night before the annual
meeting or the Secretary/Treasurer would mail Publishing
And Finance representative
copies of ALL bills, receipts, etc prior to the annual
Publishing And Finance representative would initial
the check book on the last check that was written
for that
- The publishing and finance committee shall locate and secure a Not-For-Profit
Directors, Officers and Trustees Liability Declaration Insurance Policy.
- All Officers, Directors, Trustees, Delegates and Committee Members shall
be exempted from any liability, real or perceived, any law suits or other
legal actions that may arise from the legal day to day business activities
of the Central States Archaeological Society, Inc. The Central States Archaeological
Society shall carry a Not-For-Profit Directors, Officers and Trustees Liability
Insurance Policy.