(Selected Pictures from the July
On the Cover
The Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center is located in eastern Oklahoma
along the south bank of the Arkansas River. The large mound shown on the
cover had four cones, the largest holding what has become known as the “Great
Mortuary.” This cone originally stood 34’ high and was 115’ in
diameter. The entire mound was 350’ in length. It was entirely leveled
in excavations by the WPA in the 1930s after the Pocola Mining Company
tunneled into the largest cone and caused a controversy that led to new
laws regarding archaeological resources in Oklahoma. The mound today is
a reconstruction. The other mounds at the extensive site are original.
For more, see the story on page 132 of this issue.
Photography by Steven R. Cooper
Message from the Editor |
131 |
Mounds and Earthworks on the Public Highway Part Fourteen:
The Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center and the Sam Noble Museum |
Steven R. Cooper |
132 |
A Find on Owl Creek |
Roy Whaley |
137 |
North Carolina “Pots and Points”-
Yadkin River Sites |
Ron L. Harris |
138 |
Lithophones? A Little-Known Artifact Type in North America |
William Moody |
140 |
Delnora “Dale” Rector |
141 |
A Lucky Spot |
Tom Weiss |
142 |
Dating Late Huber Phase Historic Artifacts from Chicago Area
Indian Sites |
Edmund Butkus |
143 |
Gerald “Jerry” Davis |
146 |
12,000 Years of Evolution of Projectile Points: Survival of
the Fittest |
Dr. Alfred D. Savage |
147 |
An Early Archaic Tool for Extraction of the Meat from Muscle
Shells |
Leroy Irons |
148 |
John Paul Grotte |
149 |
Is a Clovis Always a Clovis? |
Dave Miller |
150 |
Shell Vulture - A Rare Florida Pendant |
Bruce Whitney |
151 |
Creeks, Ditches, Snakes and Wonderful Arrowheads |
John Beasley |
152 |
Desert Archaic Hunting Fetishes |
John Selmer |
155 |
Davis Farm and Savannah Farm, Polk County, Tennessee Archaeological Sites |
Dr. Sandy B. Carter, Jr. |
156 |
Small Treasures |
Ronald K. Knight |
160 |
A Few Finds from North Carolina |
Andy Greeson |
163 |
Searching for the First People: Excavations at the Tatum-Crockett Site
on the Lower Santa Fe River, Florida |
Robert L. Knight, Ph.D. |
164 |
Uncovering the Background of a Havana Style Hopewell Pipe |
Steven R. Cooper |
174 |
A Classic American “Indian Gun” from 1846 |
Peter G. Murphy
and Alice J. Murphy |
176 |
Matt Rowe |
177 |
You Be the Judge for this Modified Proboscidean Face Bone |
Dr. David A. Easterla, Ph.D. |
178 |
Membership Application / CSAJ back
issues |
181 |
Officers and Societies |
182 |
Calendar of Events |
184 |