On the Cover
The cover of this CSAJ represents our Minnesota Society. This 3-inch-long Clovis was made from Cedar
Valley chert, aka, Cochrane Chert, and Cedar Valley Jasperoid. The finder is unknown. It was found along the Mississippi
River on the Minnesota/Wisconsin border with two thumb scrapers made from the same material. This point was chosen
to represent Minnesota as their first CSAJ cover. Thomas Amble collection. Therese Scheller photo. It is shown
in color and actual size. |
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The Poker Pendant |
Dale Reitmeyer
107 |
Cannibalism in the Prehistoric Midwest |
Dr. E. J. Neiburger DDS.
108 |
Stolen Catlinite Tablet |
Chris Roelfsema-Hummel and Rebecca Ostrom, Curators: Pipestone County Museum, Minnesota
112 |
Crab Orchard Chert |
Tony DeRegnaucourt, Upper Miami Research Museum, Arcanum, Ohio
114 |
Avocational Archaeology: Paleo-Geography and
Migrations of the First Americans |
Carl M. Wright
116 |
Save Those Pieces |
Fred A. Smith
118 |
An Old Indian Eagle |
Steven Hart
120 |
Beginners Luck |
Al Downs
122 |
The Prehistory of the Point 'A' Reservoir in Covington County, Alabama |
Tim Brawner
124 |
Selected Points |
J. Steven Beasley
129 |
Stone Triangle with Concentric Circles |
Steve Flannigan
131 |
The Hollenburg Stemmed Point Type |
Jim Horst
132 |
Yesterday in Bridgeton, "Site Number 1" |
Bob Rampani
135 |
A Mother's Love |
Blake Gahagan
136 |
To Be or Not to Be, Is That The Question? |
Willie Fields
138 |
The Last Hunt with Little Big Man |
James Yelton
140 |
A Bizarre Accumulation |
Dale Roberts
141 |
The Day the Big One Came Out of the Ground |
John Dunn
142 |
The Glacial Kame Complex in Indiana and Ohio |
D.R. Gehlbach
144 |
Knowing Point Types |
Darrel Wilson
146 |
North Carolina Foothills Artifacts |
Ron Harris
148 |
One Started, One Heartbreaker, One finished on One Day |
Stanley Lane
151 |
Points and Barbs |
Gregory Perino
155 |
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